Crushing Hard

Crushing Hard

This coffee has really got our hearts pounding.

There’s been a lot of buzz around this one. Since appearing on the cupping table late last year, this coffee has been a hot topic of discussion at Hard Lines."Have you tried the Valentine’s coffee yet?!" the question on everybody's lips.

The excitement from the lucky ones that have, and the anticipation of those yet to, has been a fun energy to experience. Like juicy gossip, whispers of this particular brew have been spreading and causing a stir amongst the team.

Rightly so! This is competition-winning coffee produced by 25-year-old Nestor Lasso and his brother Adrian, on their family farm which they took over five years ago. The brothers represent a new generation of farmers prioritising quality and environmental sustainability - it’s clear that their passion, hard work and innovation is paying off and we’re excited to see what they put out next!

Selecting and preparing a coffee for our customers is always enjoyable, but there seems to be a different feeling around this one. The collective enthusiasm from the team has been quite special and feels like an experience worth writing about. Coffee can be quite divisive and people have their favourites, but this anaerobic-washed Colombian has found a place in everyone’s hearts. 

"It’s a juicy cup with delicate florals, like sucking on a wine gum while sniffing a fresh bunch of roses." Ruth, Head of Coffee.

Maybe it’s the time of year that’s got us all mushy but we’re convinced you can feel the group effort and care that’s gone into getting this coffee from the farm and onto our shelves.

We can't wait for you to try it and hope you fall in love with this brew as much as we have.

Check out Hard For You

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